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Power of Gospel Music

By admin, 2016-11-29

Power Of Gospel Songs

Emily McKendry

By  EMILY MCKENDRY,  Bible Instructor, Manitoba-Saskatchewan Conference

So closely associated with the work of creation and redemption is the melody of music, that we can hardly think of the one to the exclusion of the other. (See Job 38:4 , 7 ; Rev. 15:3 .) True gos­pel singing is preaching in a musical setting. It is a powerful instrument used by God in regener­ating human hearts. In evangelistic work gospel songs cannot be treated as of little consequence. Speaking of the wonderful power of song, Mrs. White says:

"It has power to subdue rude and uncultivated na­tures; power to quicken thought and to awaken sympa­thy, to promote harmony of action, and to banish the gloom and foreboding that destroy courage and weaken effort. It is one of the most effective means of impres: sing the heart with spiritual truth. . . . As a part of religious service, singing is as much an act of worship as is prayer."--Education, pp. 167, 168.

At the opening of the song service the song leader stands before men and women from all walks of life. They have come with diversified thoughts, and many with distracted minds. The leader with a happy countenance, a cheery word, and a song of hope and courage can usually get the attention of the people as a whole. He seeks to prepare the minds for the sermon that follows.

Familiar and simple gospel songs are enjoyed by the average person. Great truths are usually simply stated. They are so worded that anyone with average intelligence can understand them. A great blessing is received through the direct power of simple gospel songs.

Claudia Muzia once walked along a country road in the South and listened to two colored chil­dren sing "Count Your Blessings." She had sung before thousands and heard the world artists sing, but she had never been so impressed by any song as she was by this simple gospel song. She said, "I have been counting my blessings ever since." And so the song leader by the use of simple and familiar songs can create a worshipful atmosphere that will prepare hearts for the sermon.

Short chorus songs—just a few words with an easy time—are very effectual in public efforts. These little songs you will find buried away in the heart long after the evangelist has left his field. The gospel soloist who renders her songs through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit with a desire to win souls, will obtain fruitful results.

An evangelist can preach until he is hoarse, he can plead until he is weary, but his voice often falls on unresponsive ears. Then through the veil of sin which has enshrouded hearers filters a note of song. Like a wedge it opens heart doors and makes room for the gospel message. An appro­priate closing song will seal the message in the hearts of the people as nothing else can. The gospel song has the power to unlock hearts' doors to the Holy Spirit. It will help a man or woman when speech seems insufficient. Gospel songs may be made a medium of great blessing. They can supply something in the public worship of God that is otherwise lacking; for through them, praise and adoration may rise to the throne on high as a sweet-smelling incense.

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Dtroit Reed (feat. Lowell Pye): A Way With Words Available For Free Download on
"Mr. Inspiration - Dtroit Reed: A Way With Words Now Available For Free Download On: "

 D troit Reed Album: Super Love (In-Stores Worldwide: December 9, 2016)

November 21, 2016. New York/Washington, DC/Atlanta. and 3HP Promotions announced today that Mr. Inspiration - Dtroit Reed track entitled: A Way With Words is Now Available For Free Download on: , as a Thanksgiving gift prior to Dtroit Reed's December 9, 2016 full album release entitled: Super Hero.   To Download for Free,  Dtroit Reed ( A Way With Words ) , visit (click/copy/paste): (and the song will auto-download in your lap-top, pc or smartphone device and be able to be instantly heard is powered by GospelEngine/GospelCity and 3HP Promotions. Since February 2016, Thousands upon Thousands of free Gospel songs have been downloaded via ...Where The Gospel Is Always Free. Featured Artists:

1. Felecia Shaw: What I Want

2. NAK Daniels: Bishop Leroy

3. 2Edge: In the Air

4. Eryk Anglin: I believe (UFO)

5. Dtroit Reed (feat. Lowell Pye): A Way with Words (Full Album entitled: Super Hero, In-Stores Worldwide: December 9, 2016

  G etting Featured on :  If you have a hit song that advances The Gospel that you would like considered to be featured on, please, or .  All songs will be screened for production quality and reviewed on a first-received, first-review basis. Please email songs to: FreeGospelHits(at) (.mp3 format only) and include lyrics.

  About :

With over 2000 artists, serving as the #1 A&R Portal for up and coming Gospel Musicians, since 2005 is a rapidly growing Interactive Christian Inspirational Music Portal Serving as a Single-Source Global Community Destination for Diverse Information, Video and Music Exclusively featuring: Gospel, Contemporary Christian, Gospel Reggae, Jazz Gospel, Holy Hip Hop, and Christian Rock.  For More Information on Gospel Engine or to access, click here: - or click/copy/paste the following link in your web-browser:    

About utilizes new media technologies and services to provide access and exposure to Christian music and entertainment. GospelCity produces, recognized as the leading web destination for Urban/Gospel Christian music fans and consumers who desire to access Christian music, artist information, inspirational content, community exchange and spiritual programming online. offers an easy and enjoyable means to connect consumers with the Christian music industry and with other Christian music fans and consumers. For more info., please visit:


About 3HP Promotions: 

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Finance Your Ideas, Project, Ministry, etc.

ATLANTA, GA - (September 21, 2016) -, the world's crowdfunding site for people and projects of faith, is now accepting projects for consideration.  FaithFundMe is an alternative to sites such as GoFundMe and Kickstarter.  FaithFundMe can be used to support projects in the diverse categories and projects, including but not limited to: Business, Art, Mobile, Internet, Sports, (Medical IIllness/Personal Injury), Comics, Crafts, Dance, Design, Memorials or Funerals, Education, Fashion, Animals & Pets, Film & Video, Food, Disaster Relief, Games, Journalism, Music, Photography, Publishing, Technology, Theater, etc.  To sign up for your free FaithFundMe Project Creator account and to get your crowdfunding campaign started today, please go to:


About is a crowd-funding platform for facilitating projects and ideas that uplift and inspire worldwide.

    24/7 Email Support
    Set Your Own Deadlines or Goal Requirements
    Funding and Donations Distributed Via Secure PayPal, Once Fundraising Goal is Achieved
    Digital-Friendly Campaigns
    Socially-Responsible Platform

To get your crowdfunding campaign started today, please go to:

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Eryk Anglin - Album Release - Sept. 2

Eryk Anglin set to release new album worldwide, via CCMG, on September 2, 2016 entitled: I Believe.

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Welcome to Amen Gospel

By admin, 2016-07-13
Welcome to Amen Gospel

Amen Gospel is easy to use. Thank you for your support. Please take your time to check out all of the powerful features available in   We hope you enjoy using the site.  Please be sure to remember to Add a picture also, when you upload a new song. This will keep you from having a blank question mark next to your song, on the charts. For an example: click on the 'Contemporary Gospel' chart, where you will see musicians who have accidentally forgotten to upload a picture with their song. Soon, we will have a different default image, if an artist forgets to upload an image with a song. This is your Tip of The Day. The Team

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